Professional Development
Scholarly and Synergistic Activities
Co-Chair, Academia and Research Working Group, Digital Twin Consortium (DTC), 2023-current. I serve as the Co-Chair of the Academia, University and Research Working Group of the Digital Twin Consortium. The working group aims to (a) leveraging digital twins for education, future skillset development, and research to develop digital twin future direction; (b) establish a robust lab testing digital twin innovations for interoperability, data sharing, and value realized; (c) educating and fact-finding on the evolution of digital twin technology and its applicability in the market, and; (d) opening a dialog between academic/research institutions studying digital twins and enterprises deploying them. More information can be found in the program’s website.
Member of the Digital Twin Consortium (DTC), 2022-current. As part of the County of Orange/ OC Survey organizational team, I serve as a member of the Digital Twin Consortium, a collaborative approach between industry, government, academic, and organizational sectors, part of the Object Management Group. I serve as a member of a number of DTC committees: Academia and Research Working Group, Natural Resources Working Group, Technology, Terminology & Taxonomy Working Group.
Advisory Board, Cal State East Bay Big Data Executive Certificate Program (2022-current). Appointed to the Advisory Board of the executive program. Read more on the program's website, or download the program's brochure.
Advisory Team, Caltrans - UC Davis Collaborative Program (2022-current). Appointed as member of the advisory group on a Caltrans - UC Davis collaborative research program.
Member of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), 2010-current. The IUCN CEM commission is a formal network of professionals acting "(...) as a source of advice on the environmental, economic, social and cultural factors that affect natural resources and biological diversity" (IUCN-CEM).
URISA GIS Leadership Academy (2022). Completed and graduated from URISA's leadership academy program.
URISA Mentoring Network (2022-current). Serving as a mentor in the URISA's vanguard cabinet mentoring network.
AAG/ESRI GeoMentors Program (2015-). Serving as a GeoMentor for the combined AAG/ESRI program supporting GIS education.
Courtesy Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida (2012-2018). Appointed by the Faculty of the Department of Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.
Board Member (2017-2018) of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research Involving Human Subjects, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas, VI, USA.
Editorial Board Member (2010-2017), journal Environmental Modelling and Software, Elsevier Publications and International Environmental Modeling and Software Society.
Journal Reviewer (2005-current) for peer-review journals:
Journal of Environmental Management and Software (ENVSOFT ISSN: 1364-8152).
Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T ISSN: 1520-5851).
Landscape and Urban Planning (LAND ISSN: 0169-2046).
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS ISSN: 1460-7425).
International Regional Science Review (IRSR ISSN: 0160-0176).
Information Sciences (INS ISSN: 0020-0255).
Journal of Environmental Management (JEMA ISSN: 0301-4787).
PLOS One (PONE ISSN: 1932-06203).
Panel Reviewer (2001-2014) for the US Science Foundation:
2014 NSF Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (NSF 10-1612) and Exploratory RCN
2011 NSF Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems and CAREER (NSF 080557).
2011 NSF Cultural Anthropology Program.
External Scientific Reviewer (2013) for the Government of Canada's Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), Leaders Opportunity Fund (LOF).
Memorandum of Understanding (2012-2017). Coordinated, co-designed, and performed the general oversight and responsibility for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), National Institutes for Humanity, Japan, and the University of the Virgin Islands. The MoU included mutual and cooperative establishment and fostering long-term scientific relationships, promoting new academic and scholarly fields of science, joint publications, and joint research project work among the two organizations.
Co-organizer for session H1: "Participatory Modeling in Indigenous Communities and Landscapes", 18th IMACS Congress and MODSIM09 International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Australia, 13-17 July 2019.
External peer reviewer for the Australian National University's COSNet Summer School on "Complex Physical, Biophysical, and Econophysical Systems", for an edited book on Lecture Notes published by World Scientific in 2008.
Expert advisor for the Natural Resource Management Board, Northern Territory Regional Investment Strategy, 2007-2010 / Charles Darwin Univerity's (Australia) - Scenario Planning for Climate Change in Tropical Landscapes Project, September 2007.
VI-EPSCoR Governing Board Member: served in 2012, during my tenure as director of CMES, ex-officio.
VI-EPSCoR staff management group, 2012-2017.
UVI Faculty policy manual committee: served as member from 2011 to 2912.
UVI Research Day committee: served as member of the committee in 2012, leading abstract collection and proceedings publications.
UVI CSM/MMES Program sub-committee: served as member of the committee from 2010 to 2011 in developing an assessment of the NRM management track of the MMES graduate program. The committee produced a report and recommendations to the College of Science and Mathematics at UVI.
Served on faculty boards for UVI, College of Science and Mathematics, the Center for Marine and Environmental Studies, and the Department of Computer and Computational Sciences at UVI.
Served as chair and member of multiple faculty search committees.
Review panel committee member, and evaluator for 2011 Title III proposal funding cycle.
University Site license administrator:
ESRI Educational ArcGIS academic program for the University of the Virgin Islands from 2010 to 2018.
Microsoft Dreamspark STEM program (Microsoft Imagine), including administering the Microsoft's web store for UVI, maintaining and licensing users (faculty, staff and students in STEM), installing and maintaining lab installation licenses for UVI, and liaising with Microsoft for educational program issues related to the program, from 2010-2018.
IBM SPSS at the University of the Virgin Islands from 2012 to 2014.
Dell Statistica at the University of the VIrgin Islands, from 2012 to 2016.
Worlfram Mathematica at the University of the VIrgin Islands from 2012 to 2018.
Outstanding Reviewer Award (2008-2009). Journal of Environmental Management and Software. Awarded by the editorial committee of the Journal of Environmental Modeling and Software (Elsevier publications) for high quality reviews provided in 2008. The award recognizes exceptional efforts and valuable contribution to EMS. See also: Jakeman, A. J., Rizzoli, A. E., and Voinov, A. A. (2009). Outstanding reviewers for environmental modeling and software in 2008. Environmental Modeling and Software, 24(10), 1137-1138.
PRF Fellowship (2005-2006). Purdue University, Purdue Research Foundation, Lafayette, Indiana, USA. Faculty Research Grant for support of graduate students engaged in dissertation research for their Ph.D. The grant was awarded by the Purdue Division of Research and Scholarly Activities, following recommendations from the Deans of the College of Agriculture, through a set of annual grant competitions coordinated by the Purdue University Sponsored Program Services, Office or Research Administration.
MSU Land Use Forum Award (2003). Michigan State University Extension - Victor Institute. Best graduate poster award, for poster presentation entitled: MABEL in Action: An Audio-Visual Poster.
Gerondelis Graduate Scholarship Fund (2001). Gerondelis Foundation, Lynn, Massachusetts, USA. Awarded financial support scholarship grant for graduate education in Michigan State University, Department of Agricultural Economics.
Public and Community Presentations
Water Quality Ambassador Program Community Meetings: Five invited community talks in St. Thomas, St. John, St. Croix, March 2018.
Expert Testimony for the US Virgin Islands Legislature on the near and long-term effects of Climate Change in the Territory and the Caribbean Region. St. Thomas Legislative Session, April 1, 2016.
Expert Testimony for the US Virgin Islands Legislature on the Feasibility Study for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Technology. St. Croix Legislative Session, April 6, 2016.
Alexandridis, K. (2011). “Understanding Climate Change” Invited seminar presentation and outreach activities (hands-on student projects, photo-survey and video-learning activities) at the Evelyn E. Marcelli Elementary School, St. Thomas, USVI, February 11, 2011.
Alexandridis, K. (2013). “Understanding Climate Change with Pictures.” Invited seminar presentation and outreach activities (hands-on student projects, drawing competition and video-learning activities) at the 7th Day Adventist Elementary School, St. Thomas, USVI, March 29, 2013.
Present and Past Professional Organizational Memberships
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA)
California Geographic Information Association (CGIA)
American Association of Geographers (AAG)
Orange County Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
World Futures Society (WFS)
International Association for Landscape Ecology – U.S. Regional Association (US-IALE)
American Planning Association (APA) – Indiana Chapter
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS)
North American Association for Computational Social & Organization Science (NAACSOS)
The European Social Simulation Association (ESSA)
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOTEE)