Grants and Awards
Research Grants
Water Quality Ambassador Program, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (2017-2009). Co-PI for USDA-NIFA award no. 2017-70004-27233, Amount: $168,786.
Climate-Ready Territories: Climate & Health Capacity Building for Territorial Health Agencies, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, ASTHO (2016-2018). Co-PI for ASTHO award no. 62-11405 (NU380T000162-05-00), Amount: $82,500.
Working in Agricultural Training: Education by Research, University of Pureto Rico, Mayaguez (2017-2018). Co-PI for UPR subaward to UVI no. 2016-70004-25657, Amount: $45,330.
HBCU-UP Collaborative for the Advancement of STEM Leadership, National Science Foundation (2016-2018). Senior Research Personnel for NSF HBCU/HRD award no. 1645037. Amount: $360,253.
Living on Earth III: Social-Ecological Systems Workshop 2012, National Science Foundation (2012-2013). co-PI for NSF EPSCoR/OIA award no. 1237410, Amount: $172,275.
Feasibility Design Study for Evaluating Techno-Economic Viability of OTEC for US Virgin Islands, Ocean Thermal Energy Corporation (2014-2015). PI for OTEC project, Amount: $25,000.
PIRE: Context-Sensitive Implementation of Synergistic Water-Energy Systems, NSF PIRE (2013-2018). UVI co-PI for NSF PIRE collaborative subaward to UVI with University of South Florida, NSF award no. 1243510, Total Amount: $4,118,134.
Google Earth Education Initiative Grant, Google Earth (2013-2014). PI for Google award no. 6-5472000001899.
Virgin Islands Marine Advisory Service - UVI Sea Grant Program, NOAA Sea Grant (2012-2014). PI for NOAA Sea Grant/University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez collaborative program.
Education Research Grant: The Use of Creative Problem Solving as Curriculum Enhancement to Improve Cognitive, Behavioral, and Social Transformation in STEM Retention, National Science Foundation (2011-2013). Co-PI for NSF ERP award no. 1036183, Amount: $512,720.